Netland online SHOP

Our experience in recent years has shown us that there are more and more situations in which our customers have certain niche-oriented needs in the field of technology. We are talking about specialized software, hardware dedicated to professional applications or various solutions for education. Requests of this type are becoming more frequent, which is why we decided to present some of the products in a Netland Computers Online Shop.

We started with a set of hardware and software products consisting of industrial PCs, software for IT infrastructures, smart glasses, IT security equipment and educational software.

The product pages show in detail features, benefits, images, specification sheets and, of course, prices. The purchase is made by filling in a simple contact form. Since we talk about niche products, with a high degree of specialization, it is necessary to fulfill an intermediate step in the purchase process, namely the clarification of all technical aspects. Therefore, we contact each customer before the actual purchase.

We intend to further develop our shop to include other niche categories requested by our partners, addressed mainly to industrial applications in companies and production units.

In the process of selecting products to be featured on our online shop, we go by Netland’s promise, that of offering reliable technology, adapted to our customers’ projects. Basically, we are talking about quality software and equipment, with an optimal price / quality ratio, chosen through our experience of over 25 years in the field of technology.

Thus …

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